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The College Treehouse Team

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

Our team of content creators, editors, and researchers works together to bring you top-quality content.


CEO, Content Creator

Mehmet Tascioglu

Mehmet is a sophomore at Stanford studying Management Science and Engineering. Mehmet is the Founder & Chair of the Board of Directors for Connect Me Tutoring, the largest student-run free tutoring service in the US. He is also the Founder and Managing Partner of Mosaic Cakes LLC, a Turkish dessert company. Mehmet plans on attending medical school and opening his own practice as a dermatologist.

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CTO, Content Creator

Aarav Shah

Aarav is a sophomore at the Georgia Institute of Technology, studying for a BS/MS in Computer Science. He specializes in artificial intelligence and the mathematical foundations of the field, involving himself in multiple research projects and internships. Aarav also serves as the Vice President on the Executive Board of Connect Me Tutoring.

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Video Editor

Saniya Panjwani

Saniya Panjwani is a high school junior from Michigan. She primarily edits YouTube Shorts, but occasionally edits longer YouTube videos as well. She has loved editing videos for as long as she can remember, and College Treehouse has given her a place to express her passions in a way that is helping millions of high-schoolers like herself.

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Video Editor

Devraj Pandey

Devraj is a high school freshman at the International Academy. He plays the violin and is a fan of cricket. In his free time, he edits videos and writes scripts. Lately, he’s been involving himself with tutoring more often, as well as devoting more time to music.

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Content Researcher

Vihaan Pol

Vihaan Pol is a high school student.

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